Promotion Agreements have rapidly become the preferred model by Landowners of delivering a maximised return for potential development land, at no risk/cost to the Landowner, by utilising a ‘Promoter’ for navigating the complex land promotion and planning processes to achieve planning permission.

A ‘Promoter’ is effectively the investment/planning consultant/technical expertise and selling agent ‘Partner’ who will work to deliver the land through the very complex and often protracted Local Plan / Local Development Plan processes to achieve an ‘allocation’ with the Local Planning Authority.

An ‘Allocation’ secures the principle of development (unless other policies like infill/exemption planning policies apply). Once a ‘Draft’ or ‘Adopted’ Allocation is secured, a planning application can then be brought forward on a site, given that it is now supported in principle by the Local Authority for development.

A Promoter will work to obtain development allocation(s), and subsequently planning permission, at their own cost & risk, by fully funding the significant costs involved in promoting the land and seeking to secure a successful and maximised planning permission on the site. The Promoter is then remunerated based on an pre-agreed percentage share of the development sites sale value. The promotion fee is only due after the site is sold, with the benefit of planning permission, to a Developer after comprehensive marketing to the open market.

There are significant advantages to the landowner, especially in terms of the site value received, in competitively marketing the development site to the developer market, as oppose to entering into a ‘Option Agreement’ with a particular house builder/developer, which was the traditional method, whereby a landowner couldn’t fund the necessary land promotion and planning costs to bring about a planning application. The Promoter and Landowners objectives are fully aligned throughout the process as both are effectively working in partnership to benefit from maximising the end value of the land with planning permission.

Powells act as a land promoter for  a wide range of land owning clients in bringing forward and maximising the value (throughout the promotion, planning application & marketing/sale stages) of potential development land/sites, from infill sites for a couple of dwellings up to strategic development plan led schemes of 70 dwellings. Powells also act for landowners in the negotiation of Promotion Agreements with National Land Promoters of Strategic Development Schemes of up to 1,000 dwellings, in addition to providing strategic development advice and promotion project management of strategic promotion schemes.

Powells Land Promotion team are able to provide several promotion models to assist landowners with realising development potential from their site/land by working in partnership to provide the required finance and technical skills & expertise.

Our promotion model provides that no planning costs/risks are incurred by the Landowner, with Powells funding the promotion and planning application costs for residential development, with our remuneration being an agreed percentage share of the sale price received, payable only once we have fully maximised the value of the site, upon the successful sale of the site/land (with the benefit of planning permission in place) to a Developer. All of our promotion, planning & site marketing costs are included within our agreed promotion fee percentage to ensure we are fully aligned with the landowner and the exact promotion fee is all fully transparent.

Our team is skilled in maximising value at all stages of the promotion and planning process and we also have the addition skill set of being specialist development agents in the sale of development land, to maximise value at all stages of the promotion, planning marketing and sale process.

For a free and no-obligation site assessment to consider whether your property/land has any development potential, or for further information regarding our Land Promotion Services, please contact David Powell or Stuart Leaver at Powells 01600 714140 | [email protected]