Cefn Garw Barns, the Hendre, Monmouth, Monmouthshire

Guide Price: £380,000
Cefn Garw Barns offers an extensive traditional complex of stone barns and exciting courtyard development project. The site is set in a beautiful setting and position, close to ‘The Rolls of Monmouth Golf Complex’. Planning consent has previously been granted for the conversion of the courtyard into three detached residential dwellings. An additional planning consent has been achieved for an independent access track to service the development. The traditional barns are full of character and enjoy stunning views over the surrounding countryside. In all approximately 2.12 acres.
Cefn Garw Barns is to be sold via Paul Fosh Auction taking place on Tuesday 8th June 2021 at 12.00pm.
For further information, please do not hesitate to contact David Russell at Powells on 01600 714140.